

How to Buy LTC in Canada
Litecoin was designed to process transactions faster than Bitcoin.
SUMMARY1. Brief Intro2. Price3. How to Buy4. Why Netcoins?5. About Litecoin
Brief Intro

Charlie Lee, an ex-Google employee, was a big fan of Bitcoin. However, he thought he could make it better so he created Litecoin (LTC) as an alternative cryptocurrency (or ‘altcoin’) based on the original structure of the Bitcoin blockchain. Litecoin was designed to be quicker at processing transactions than Bitcoin. It was created for everyday use, including small transactions like buying coffee. Today LTC remains in the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, therefore leaving many investors looking for ways to buy Litecoin in America.
LTC Price
CAD $ -
Buy Price$0.00
Sell Price$0.00
24h High$0.00
24h Low$0.00
How to Buy LTC

Sign up for an account and provide some personal details to get your account verified.

Your Netcoins account can be funded with a crypto deposit, an ACH transfer or a bank wire transfer.

Buy and sell as much Litecoin as you want with no slippage due to our deep liquidity

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More About Litecoin
Launched in 2011, Litecoin was one of the first alternative currencies (altcoins) created. Litecoin basically took the infrastructure Bitcoin built and improved it by creating lightning fast transactions while simultaneously reducing transaction fees. As a result, this caught the attention of many investors worldwide. Like Bitcoin, Litecoin is decentralized – meaning it is not issued or managed by centralized authorities such as governments or banks. It is also limited in supply to 84 million Litecoins (vs. 21 million bitcoin). Scarcity plays a key role in protecting Litecoin’s value.

You don’t need to buy 1 entire Litecoin to get started! You can buy fractions of a Litecoin. In fact, the smallest possible unit of Litecoin is called a litoshi and is equivalent to 0.00000001 LTC (8 decimal places). Many beginners start their Litecoin journey by accumulating small amounts of litoshis. You can start as small as $10, or invest up to $10 million with Netcoins.

Litecoin stands as one of the earliest iterations of an alternative coin (altcoin) with a coding structure very similar to that of Bitcoin. Its creator, Charlie Lee, is the reason the project exists. The goal of Litecoin was to ultimately make transactions cheaper and faster than bitcoin. At the time it was invented, Litecoin transactions could be confirmed up to four times faster than bitcoin transactions.

You can buy Litecoin from crypto trading platforms, like Netcoins, and leave your Litecoin inside the platform. However, there are much safer options to storing your Litecoin. The reason being that leaving them in exchanges can expose them to certain risks like hacking and theft. The safest option to keeping your Litecoin secure is to transfer them into a crypto wallet. A crypto wallet is a type of digital wallet that is used to send and receive Litecoin, similar to a Google wallet or a physical wallet.

There is always innovation taking place within the different cryptocurrencies and Litecoin is no different. Litecoin announced they’re looking to add privacy-enhancing features to the network. This would allow them to solve the issues that have been plaguing Bitcoin (mainly around a lack of privacy). Privacy-issues are partly the reason why privacy-focused coins, like Monero, have seen much success in the last few years. Overall, Litecoin continues to compete in the crypto world and transform itself into a more valuable cryptocurrency. This has encouraged investors to put their money into Litecoin. If you’re thinking about investing in Litecoin, make sure you know the many advantages and disadvantages of short and long-term investing.


Litecoin offers many key benefits that have allowed the project to remain among the top cryptocurrencies in spite of the fact that thousands of projects have been introduced in the last 3 to 5 years.Litecoin is so closely related to bitcoin that the project holds just enough cache to stay familiar and relevant to investors, regardless of what other altcoins are doing.

Netcoins USA is a licensed money service business under FinCEN, we adhere to the strict guidelines set by them for Money Transmitter Businesses. We are required to have a Know-Your-Customer (KYC) process and compliance program in place. KYC is a process that allows us to verify the identity of our customers, as per American regulations.

You will have to provide your email address, phone number and personal information including your first name, last name, address, date of birth and a piece of identification (like a driver’s license). Most users are verified at this point through our automated process.

Your Netcoins account can be funded with a crypto deposit, regular ACH, ACH pre-funding or a bank wire transfer. Once you have funds in your Netcoins account, you’ll find that it’s super easy to buy LTC in the USA.

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